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🤟1-UP your littles

This section explains how you can 1-UP your littles with the awesome new enhancements only available at Playside!

Now that you have mastered the basics of the gameplay, let's amp up to the next level!

Prize tickets received from the completion of partnership games at the 1-UP Arcade can be used to upgrade your littles!

The 1-UP process comprises of a few simple steps: 1. Select your favourite genesis littles or base littles!

2. Redeem 1-UP Potion item at the Prize Hut with your Prize Tickets!

3. Use your potion to 1-UP your base or genesis littles at The Lab with Data

4. Receive your brand new 1-UP'd little frens NFT!

Evolution Levels

Base littles

  • Access to the 1-UP Arcade which allows you to Play and Win rewards!

  • Available to both holders/non-holders of the littles genesis collection.

  • Maximum 2 per wallet

  • Randomly generated, unique traits of up to 400k possible combinations!

  • Eligible to win all prizes at the 1-UP Arcade, including level-up items to evolve to the next level

  • Can be burned with your 1-UP Potion to obtain a 1-UP'd littles

1-UP'd littles

  • Evolved forms are only available when you 1-UP your base littles or genesis littles

  • Access to the 1-UP Arcade which allows you to Play and Win prizes!

  • Some traits are carried across from the original littles, plus additional randomly generated, unique traits of up to 400k possible combinations!

  • Prize Redemption at the Prize Hut is limited in quantity for each partnership

    • For instance, only 4000 CyberKongz 1-UP potions are in existence.

  • 1-UP'd littles will share the same collection with base littles

    • However, 1-UP'd littles will have a 1-UP property that differentiates them from base littles – allowing buyers to filter based on whether a little has 1-UP'd (Yes/No) on secondary markets.

  • Unlike base littles, 1-UP'd littles will have utility:

Last updated