the littles terminology
List of terminology and technical jargons that needs to be explained and curated for users.
best frens
Holders of littles NFT
big frens
Holders who have 3 or 4
super frens
Holders who have 5 or more littles NFT
A term used to describe partnership projects (i.e Kongz/CK Fam, Kingz/KK Fam, Cool Cats Fam, Ducks Fam)
A term used to describe outfits that littles will wear after teaming up with a fam
1-UP/1-UP Evolution
A verb used to describe "Evolving" your littles from Base and/or Genesis collection to a fully evolved littles frens.
1-UP Machine
The machine that evolves littles in The Lab
The Lab
The place where littles will undergo the 1-UP process
the littles / genesis littles / little gens
A term to describe the Genesis collection of the littles NFT
the naughty ones
A term to describe the nine 1/1s from the Genesis collection of the littles NFT
the littles frens
A term used to describe the V2 collection of the littles NFT -> the littles frens
little fren
A term used to describe a single littles frens NFT
the naughty frens
A term to describe the twenty 1/1s from the littles frens collection
base littles
A term used to describe the little fren you begin with from the free mint
1-UP'D littles
A term used to describe the littles frens that has been evolved from a little gen or base little
littles kongz
Collection names of the CyberKongz littles frens.
littles cats
Collection names of the Cool Cats littles frens.
littles kingz
Collection names of the KaijuKingz littles frens.
littles ducks
Collection names of the SupDucks littles frens.
the littles super frens
Collection of littles given to influencers and special partners of the littles NFT
1-UP Potion (Kingz)
The 1-UP Potion prizes for KaijuKingz fam
1-UP Potion (Ducks)
The 1-UP Potion prizes for SupDucks fam
1-UP Potion (Kongz)
The 1-UP Potion prizes for CyberKongz fam
1-UP Potion (Cats)
The 1-UP Potion prizes for CoolCats fam
Inventory space on the user's UI that allows for easy reference of information about the experience.
It is also where the user's item inventory is stored after purchasing them from the Prize Hut.
Game Credits
Game Credits which allow users to play games at the 1-UP Arcade.
Game Credits are non-transferrable, and are consumed upon usage of each gameplay run at the 1-UP Arcade.
Prize Tickets
Prize Tickets are rewarded after each successful play of a prepaid game.
They can also be purchased at a premium in ETH at the Prize Hut for users who do not wish to play arcade games to win tickets.
Build-a-LITLS Building
This is the name of the yellow building that resembles a Lego brick in Playside.
This is the name of the place where little gens and 1-UP'd littles are staked
Star Badges
A term used to describe the various themed staking rewards that littles will be staked for i.e. Earn the "Education" Star Badge!
A term used to describe our staking mechanism
A term used to describe our unstaking mechanism
Currently Dreaming
A phrase used to describe the phase in which littles are being staked
Currently Awake
A phrase used to describe the phase in which littles are being unstaked
OG Holder
Holders who have held their little gens since January 2022
Last updated