1-UP Potions
To evolve your littles, you must first redeem a 1-UP potion from the Prize Hut using the Prize tickets that you have.
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To evolve your littles, you must first redeem a 1-UP potion from the Prize Hut using the Prize tickets that you have.
Last updated
The Prize Hut offers a range of prizes to choose from, which includes the coveted 1-UP Potions to level up your littles!
Wild Potion 1 [Redacted]
Wild Potion 2 [Redacted]
Wild Potion 3 [Redacted]
1-UP Potions are infused with the mystical properties of each partners!
Using your existing littles (base little or genesis littles) to consume the potion at The Lab will generate a brand new NFT. (don't worry, your genesis littles is safe, while your potion is consumed and gone. meanwhile, your base little gets a full upgrade into a 1-UP'd little.)
To find out more about 1-UP Potions, you may also visit the About tab at the Prize Hut, which gives a quick run-down of how it works.
At the Prize Hut, you will be able to redeem 1-UP Potions based on the tickets you have in your inventory.
Prize Tickets can only be used to redeem the respective 1-UP Potion of the same partnership collection (i.e. 1-UP Potion (Kongz) is only redeemable using Kongz Prize tickets).
Take note that the process of 1-UP'ing is irreversible and cannot be undone!
Upon purchase of a 1-UP Potion, you will be able to use it at the 1-UP Machine located at The Lab.
To find out how to proceed with the next stage of 1-UP Evolution with 1-UP Potions, visit the 1-UP Evolution page.